Friday, May 22, 2009

Cards for Heroes Blog Hop

****Memorial Day Update - some people on the comments asked how did I know that the RED CARD in the soldier's hands was mine. Earlier on there was a bigger photo on CFH blog and I was really able to see it closely and it is mine. Below is a bigger picture of one of the cards I sent. And like I describe below on my original post I cut up pieces of a Christmas fabric and machine stitched to a red cardstock and hand stamped Merry Christmas on the inside. there were many different images on the fabric: Snow man, Christmas tree, bells, angels and with them the Christmas wishes for Joy, Peace, Love etc. I was so happy to see the fruits of my labor and it really motivated me to keep making more cards to send to them. It really takes very little to make someone's day.***********

If you follow my blog or have been here before you might have noticed my little banner on the sidebar of my blog for Cards for Heroes. Cards for Heroes is an organization that donates cards to our soldiers abroad so they can send hand written notes to their loved ones here back home. They also provide encouraging cards to our wounded heroes helping out another organization that provides quilts and other needed personal items to the soldiers that are wounded and have to be transported to a hospital.

I have become involved with this organization and have sent some cards to them a couple of times. My daughter and I got busy and made a bunch of them, as well as Christmas cards last year. If you would like to see some of them and the tips I shared please click HERE.

so I am participating on a Blog Hop to help promote this organization and get more people involved. Please check out their website for more information.

You don't need to be an expert card maker to join, or send dozens of cards. Just do a little or as much as you can. There are so many creative ways you can help. If you don't want to make cards, you can donate supplies, send a few dollars to help out with shipping, sign AnyHero cards...there is so much to do.

I have recently started collecting the cards that don't sell in my shop and I am sending them over. You see that red card in the hands of that hero on the first photo on this post? It's my card!! That is a Christmas card that I made using some donated red cardstock. I cut up some Christmas fabric that had cute pictures on them with sayings like Peace, Joy, etc and I machine stitched them to the cardstock. Them my daughter and I hand stamped MErry Christmas on the inside of them and they were ready. We sent over 50 cards. They were simple, cute and it was a great opportunity to do some bonding with my little one.

Have I convinced you yet? :)

I hope if you would like to see who else helps out please check out Bonnie Rose's blog. She is an avid scrapbooker and makes awesome little albums as well as gorgeous cards.

Have a great weekend and don't forget to celebrate the heroes that have given their lives for this country! :)



Melissa said...

Okay a little chill went through me when I realized that soldier was holding a card you made and with his huge smile.. wow. That about sums up why we do what we do, right?

Libby Hickson said...

Tereza that's so awesome that it's your card in that photo!! Great work, you are an inspiration - I just found out about CFH this week when they contacted me about the hop, but I plan to send them lots of cadrs!!

Karrie O. - Sweet Paper Treats said...

Hi Tereza, Cute blog!! Awesome story. Keep creating and giving!!

Have a SWEET and SAFE Memorial Day Weekend!!

Kerilou said...

Great post! He looks so happy!!

Lisa - papergrace said...

How totally cool that you get to see YOUR card in the hands of a soldier. Wow!!!

Sandy said...

That is amazing that you were able to see who received your card. What a great feeling that must have been. I love all your cards!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful way to share!! Thanks you so much for your support!! And I have just recently learned about this and plan to participate sending in more cards!

Patti Erickson said...

Great job!

Christine said...

What a great story and how wonderful it must have been to see your card in the hero's hand!

Unknown said...

Wow, that's wonderful! Thanks for all of your efforts and for the inspiration!

JPScraps said...

It must feel great to see your card being appreciated! Great work.

Unknown said...

Thanks for being part of teh blog hop!

Lida said...

Happy Memorial Day, I´m so happy I´m joining to send cards to soldiers in need. Your cards are so pretty!

Lisa Renéa said...

Beautiful cards! Thank you so much for your participation with CFH and the blog hop! I enjoyed reading your post, well done!!

Cindi (aka iring) said...

Oh how cool to see your card in a hero's hands!! Thanks for sharing your story so I could hop in!


Stacy Milford said...

Tereza, I think it is so great that your daughter makes cards with you! Thanks for sharing your story!

Erika said...

So fun! And what a great organization!

Suz said...

What a wonderful post. How awesome to see your card in the photo. Happy Memorial Day & thanks so much for the inspiration

Karen said...

Wonderful story! Great job honoring our military! {{cheers}}

paula said...

Awesome!!! Keep the cards coming!!! I know they are appreciated!!!

Phinny said...

Fun! So happy to be doing the blog hop for such a good cause with such a great, generous group of talented peeps! *smile*

Dawn said...

Happy Memorial day! Thank's for hopping!

Kerri said...

You mentioned how simple your cards are to make and I can see how they could be simple but they really are just GORGEOUS! They are certainly treasures!

Heather said...

How cool that your card is in the photo!!! I hope you do a scrapbook page all about that :)
Have a great weekend!

.:liza:. said...

How cool that you got to see the smiles your cards brought to someone!

Linda said...

Thanks you for sharing with us hoppers. Your picture and story were great to read. Love ALL your work.

Renee said...

Great cards...thanks for the inspiration!

Daintry said...

So cool to see a card you made in the hands of a soldier! :) This is just the thing to get me motivated to stamp again.

Lauren said...

That is awesome that he is holding your card! How cool for you!!!

~ginny said...

Well done! Congratulations on all those cards sent! And most important of all... Long live the Heroes!

Jana said...

How cool that this is your card in the photo. I love that!

erin said...

How rewarding it must be to see a soldier holding a card you made!

Dawn said...

so cool that you got to see YOUR card in the hands of a soldier!! awesome!

TLHarwick said...

Wow! Thanks for all your hardwork! As the wife of a deployed solider who just sent me a "homemade" card b/c the only thing available at their makeshift PX are birthday and graduation cards, I know these men and women appreciate your work! I will definately be looking into helping out!

Victoria S. said...

That is so cool that the soldier has your card! Has to be inspiring - I will be sending cards.

Lynn said...

thanks for all you do!! I am an Army Mom.When my son was in Afghanistan he spent most of his tour way out from the main base. Items from home kept them going!!
Thank you for your donations!

Teresa said...

You didn't need to convince me- I was already sold, but your post got me out of my chair to actually collect the cards I said at an earlier stop that I would send.

So, the cards are here in a pile, and I will get the envelopes to match ready and then off they go to CFH.

Thanks for all you do!

sideoats + scribbles said...

Wow, that had to be super cool seeing the soldier holding your card! Thanks for all that you do for the troops! Hugs!

Sylvia said...

What a wonderful thing to do. Thank you Tereza for the inspiration.

Sarah Weber said...

This is such an awesome site. Just found out about it....think I could send some cards. My son just re=enlisted in Nat'l Guard...who knows when it will be his turn.

Sarah Weber said...

This is such an awesome site. Just found out about it....think I could send some cards. My son just re=enlisted in Nat'l Guard...who knows when it will be his turn.

Jennifer said...

How exciting to see the soldier holding your card....makes it all worth it I bet!

Candace said...

God Bless our troops!

Heidi E. said...

Great Post.. Have a Safe and Happy Memorial Weekend ♥

cr8iveme said...

what a brilliant idea and a great way for you and your daughter to spend time and help the troops at the same time.


Anonymous said...

What wonderful cards! And to be included in the photo - extra cool.

I am going to be making cards for this effort this weekend - time to stop putting it off.

mica said...

What you did with your daughter is wonderful. thanks for sharing this great project.

Deb Neerman said...

WoW, wonderful to read about the soldier who received your card. Truly, that's what card-making is all about!

I'll be sending some of my own cards to CFH, too!

Verda said...

I bet you were thrilled to see your card in a soldiers hands. How exciting. for you.

Kathy JH said...

Love the photo - helps make this all a bit more real! I need to get making cards!

Mrs. B. said...

Wow, that's really cool!!!

Dana said...

What a great story! That picture really is worth a thousand words!

Lisa (mldesignworks) said...

Great story! I stamp with my daughter too! Enjoy!

Bonita Rose said...

wow.. what a moving post.. bravo!

Sarosa said...

As a new Navy mom, I appreciate people like you who put so much time, money, and care into blessing our soldiers and sailors! As a cardmaker myself, I know those cards don't come together in seconds!

Thank you, Tereza!

Roxie said...

Thanks for supporting our troops with your cards!

Sue McRae said...

Great story! You made some wonderful cards!

BethW said...

Blessings for all your hard work. Prayers and gratitude for our servicemen-past and present-and their families for their sacrifices.

katrynka said...

Great cause.

I was just going through my craft stuff this am, and I think I have some cards to donate for this cause.

Lisa said...

I enjoyed reading your post as part of the blog hop :) Have a great holiday.

nsmerkt said...

Wow! Your card! How cool is that to see who received it and the smile on his face. Simple pleasures! I am so glad to be participating in this blog. This is my first visit to your blog and will definitely be back. As soon as I finish hopping, I am going to bond with my 4-year-old and get cracking on some cards! Wouldn't that be awesome if we all made so many that there were TOO many to give out! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Terra5 said...

THis is a really wonderful thaing that you are doing. Thank you.
Terry F.

The Wired Angel said...

Wow.. your card was featured.. How cool is that. Thanks for supporting our men and women and being so involved in CFH

PCM said...

Isn't it neat to see pictures from the troops? Especially when they are holding the very cards you sent! Very neat. I think it is also neat how you and your daughter do this together. Thanks for joining the hop. Blessings.

Katie said...

Thanks for taking the time to participate in this great cause...clearly your efforts are appreciated!

Kate Burroughs said...

Good for you in donating cards. Thanks for sharing tips for making cards as well!
Aloha, Kate

LyndenMomof2 said...

Thank you for making cards for our troops.

Axes DesigNs said...

Wow.. how you recognize your card? so amazing! congratulations!

Paliku said...

Blesses me beyond measure to see a picture of a soldier holding a card you made. This is an amazing
organization and ministry. Thank you and your daughter for participating and being a link for the soldiers to reach home.

Maggie said...

Thank you for making cards for our heroes. The smile in the pic says it all.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

HOw neat to see your card in a photo, proof positive of such a rewarding experience!

Monika/Buzsy said...

What a great cause to support... I sent some cards over last year... it felt soo good to do something small for those soldiers. :o)

Alyce said...

You've convinced me!
Happy Memorial Day.

StampinCathy said...

How cool to have a picture of the soldier holding your card. That is just priceless. Thanks

Atticelf said...

I think this is an amazing event! My family and I will celebrate Memorial Day by making some cards to pass along to the troops. Love this!

Donna Schneidtmiller said...

How incredible it must have felt to see that smiling face holding your card. Your story is awesome and all your hard work is much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Your story will definitely move many to participate. And how incredible to see one of your creations in the hands of a serviceman! Thanks for sharing.

HoweverAlthough said...

Great photo! Thanks for sharing.

Arlene said...

First time visitor to your blog - great personal introduction to Cards for Heros.

Lost in Paper said...

Thanks for your support of this project!! how awesome!!

Laurie said...

Tereza - love your story. Keep up the great work.

Lyneen said...

Awesome BLOG!!!! thanks for supporting our troops....

Princess of glitter said...

Wow I am getting so many ideas! This blog hop is a great idea. Thanks!

Beth Redding said...

How great! A definite inspiration to join in the CFH Cause!!!
Thank you and Blessings,

Sandy said...

I'm finally circling back and was reading through your post and the comments....first off how COOL that you recognized your card! I knew that was one of my boxes, my card is the blue one in front of yours. But I didn't know WHO to tell about the others; the Marine who took the photos at Thanksgiving-time didn't send them to me til spring! lol I couldn't remember whose cards had been whose by then. And then you ended up at the start of the hop!!?!?! Man, God must LOVE us to orchestrate things like this!!!

And in the comments - wow--I was stopped by this one:
“You didn't need to convince me- I was already sold, but your post got me out of my chair to actually collect the cards I said at an earlier stop that I would send.”

YAY for inspiring people, girl!!! Go go go!

kasmello said...

GREAT story. Your blog is beautiful by the way!! Thanks for your work.

FibreJunky said...

As a military spouse, I just wanted to say thank you.

naomi_m said...

That's so cool that he's holding your card!

Kay said...

Great story - and what a wonderful smile on the soldier holding your card - so inspirational!

Chris said...

What a great mission you do's heartfelt and generous. And, on top of that, you are so talented!! Loved browsing through your blog - I'll be back!

Caryl P said...

That is amazing to see a card you and your daughter worked on in the hands of a soldier another world away. Beautiful story, and yes, you've convinced me!

...Darlene said...

Way kewl that your card is in the photo. It makes you want to do more.

Regina said...

awesome story...thanks for participating

Linda Carson said...

I have plenty of cards I've not used from swaps. Now I know what to do w/them!

Nalazoo said...

It really is about touching hearts and changing lives. Letting the soldiers know that someone here is thinking of them.

Susan M. Brown {sbartist} said...

Happy Memorial Day! Your layouts are beautiful and thank you for your creativity and dedication to this great cause. : ) Sb

Ina Good said...

Tereza...enjoyed looking at all your cards...especially the one that brought the smile to the soldier.Such a blessing for you both. Hugs,Ina

Fabre said...

Wow Tereza, that is a great story about your Christmas card...just blown away when I read it! My children are very involved in helping to make cards as well, it is an AMAZING bonding experience, so much better than watching TV together, that's for sure. Thank you so much for joining us in the hop (twice!) and for your love of CFH!

Sue Root said...

How great to see your card in a soldier's hands. Thanks for particpating and bringing attention to this great cause.

Seongsook Duncan said...

Hi, I am back. Somehow I couldn't leave a comment on the first day. Thanks for sharing your story and cards.

Sharon said...

what a honor your doing

Anam_Kihaku said...

that is awesome :)

Nana711 said...

How great to see your card in the hand of a happy, safe soldier. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Wow, you really brought home how much these cards mean to all of our service personnel stationed outside the U.S.

Susan Timmerman said...

Yes...I'm convinced! But, you didn't do the convincing! Nope, I was convinced before I landed here at your blog! I was convinced the moment I heard about Cards For Heroes! Thank you for what you are doing for our men and women in uniform!

Merry's Musings said...

So mucyh fun to participate in this, your cards are just great. Great story!

Lisa Carroll said...

how cool to see your card "in action"! beautiful card, too, BTW! :)

Christina said...

Thank you for supporting our troops, my husband being one of them!

P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an additional comment.

Visit The Original Scrapbox and check out their product catalog and also please take a minute and cast your vote for me, my entry #257! I am in the running to win a scrapbook desk!

d'Dragon said...

It's great that you & your daughter can do this together!

C. Sage Deerborn said...

Great to see the soldiers enjoying their cards. Thanks for spreading this awareness for Cards for Heroes.

The Constant Scrapper said...

What a great story, Tereza. Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

love it! awesome that your card is in the picture, proves they are enjoying getting these! great work!

Con said...

I think it's great that you got to see someone with your card! Thank you for supporting our Troops. My Father-in-law is a WWII vet and my Grandfather a WWI vet. God Bless your endeavors.